T-Money Card

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¿Have you ever heard about the TMoney card?

Well, in this article we will tell you why this card is a must when you travel to South Korea.

Image by 스마트랜스 from Pixabay

In 2004, TMoney released a card that would make paying for transportation much easier and more practical, besides it would work around the country. Nonetheless, the card had a big impact and success, to the point that now it is accepted as a method of payment in several other places.

Yes, just like you just read. TMoney cards are used to pay for transportation services (like the subway, buses, train, and even some taxis) as well as items from different convenience stores, restaurants, and more. Also, TMoney has other special cards (like the Korea Tour Card, AmazingPay, and Alipay TMoney) which offer you some discounts on attractions and spectacles all around the country, besides you can use them on public telephones, cafeterias, stadiums, and vending machines.

One of the best advantages of using your card on public transportation is that you have up to four free transfers per day. The only thing you need to do it’s to make sure you present your card when getting in and out of buses and subway stations. After that, you have a limit of 30 minutes to transfer. And if you do it between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. (of the next day), the limit time will be 1 hour, instead of the usual 30 minutes.

Tomado de korea.net

If you’re not sure what places accept it, we recommend you to look for the TMoney logo in the store you want to buy. If you can’t find it, just ask the person in charge because it is likely that they accept it as a method of payment.

There are a few things that you should consider, though. If you need the remainder of the money on your card, you can ask for it at convenience stores, where you’ll be able to withdraw up to ₩20,000 with a fee of ₩500. Remember that you cannot partially take out some money but it needs to be all the money on your card. Also, if your remainder is bigger than ₩20,000, you have to go to TMoney headquarters to get it back.

Tomado de tmoney.co.kr

Here are some additional facts that may interest you:

  •  There are different designs of cards and the cost can vary depending on if you choose one with a limited or special edition. Nonetheless, the basic one has a cost of ₩2,500.
  • You can recharge your card from ₩1,000 to ₩90,000, and the limit of your balance is ₩500,000.
  • The cards have no expiration date so, if you’re planning to go to South Korea regularly, your TMoney card will keep working.


Written by: Giselle Hernandez

Edited by: Angie Salavarria


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